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Get Started with Antourage Viewer Capacitor SDK


For a successful integration please find our requirements below and make sure that you are compatible.

  • Capacitor
  • iOS:
    • Xcode 12.5 or later
    • CocoaPods 1.10.0 or later
    • Project must target iOS 13.0 or later
  • Android:
    • Minimum Android SDK: Antourage widget requires a minimum API level of 21;
    • Starting from 0.2.0 version library has migrated to the androidX, so make sure that you have
      in your


Antourage SDK is installed with npm (Node Package Manager). To install the SDK go through steps below:
Step 1

npm i antourage-capacitor --save
Step 2
npx cap sync

Android Additional Configuration

  1. You should find app build.gradle file and add maven { url '' } to the repositories block. Screenshots

  2. You should create variable private AntourageCapacitor antouragePlugin;, add import com.antourage.plugin.AntourageCapacitor; , add(AntourageCapacitor.class); and initialize antouragePlugin with antouragePlugin = (AntourageCapacitor) getBridge().getPlugin(AntourageCapacitor.class.getAnnotation(NativePlugin.class).name()).getInstance(); in MainActivity class. Also you need to add antouragePlugin.onPause(); and antouragePlugin.onResume(); to overriden onPause and onResume methods accordingly, as you see below: Screenshots

  3. npx cap sync


  1. Import the Antourage module:

    import { Plugins } from '@capacitor/core';
    const { Antourage } = Plugins;

  2. Configure an Antourage shared instance. You should call this method once per app lifecycle:

    Antourage.configure({ teamId: <teamId>, localization: <localization> });


  • teamId - The 'ID' that has been assigned to the partner. This 'ID' can be requested from the Antourage partner's account manager.
  • localization - The preferred locale (e.g. "en-US") in which portal should be displayed. If not specified application locale will be used. If locale not supported English will be used.

Add UI part

The main feature of Antourage SDK is the widget — a simple button that should be placed on your screen. The widget will fully work only after successful configuration. If you need to know when the Feed screen appears and disappears you can use callbacks.

Antourage widget works as overlay over Capacitor web view. You can show and hide it whenever you want (navigation handlers or component lifecycle etc).

import { Plugins } from '@capacitor/core';
const { Antourage } = Plugins;



Widget's properties

  • portalColor - The color of the portal.
  • nameTextColor - The text color of the content creator or show name label.
  • nameBackgroundColor - The background color of the content creator or show name label.
  • titleTextColor - The text color of the stream name label.
  • titleBackgroundColor - The background color of the stream name label.
  • ctaTextColor - The text color of the call to action button.
  • ctaBackgroundColor - The background color of the call to action button.
  • liveDotColor - The color of the pulsating dot, which is displayed when the content is live.

Push Notifications


Subscription and unsubscription is handled by our partners, not by the Antourage dev team. If any of our partners have push notification implemented in their system, they should provide us with the POST endpoint. Antourage backend services will send the following JSON payload to this endpoint:

    "title": "some title",
    "body": "some body",
    "video_url": "some url",
    "source": "antourage"

Sending notifications

Antourage backend will sends POST request only if new content is available. Sending push notifications is handled by our partners infrastructure.

Handling notifications

By tapping on a Push Notification from Antourage the application should open video_url in web browser:

import { Plugins } from '@capacitor/core';
const { Browser } = Plugins;

await{ url: video_url });


To run the example project, clone the Antourage repo first. And run code below from the example directory:

npm i
npx cap sync
ionic capacitor run ios --livereload --external